It is without doubt, the hardest thing in the world to do alone, but when you got a huge draenei tank at your side, it would be easier. Of course, I am talking about my dear friend Abomin, the draenei warrior. For being a warrior, a class that is easily called brutes, he is very clever and smart. In my quest to gain syndicate medallions in the derelict fortress of stromgarde, he simply ran in, killed everyone in sight, with only little of my help. Being a priest, I can heal easily, even at a distance. Even though he had up to 5-6 different syndicates on him, all he did was waving that gigantic pole arm around and they almost fell like flies. He is indeed strong.
During our little adventure in stromgarde fortress, we managed to meet two men that I could have sworn I saw before. I just couldn't place them exactly where. Abomin attacked them, since they where in a fighting mood. I can't really remember that he killed them, but he came back to me and gave me the last medallions that I needed. I wouldn't come far at all without his help, so I simply smiled and hugged him, but we weren't out of the woods yet. As we ran out of the main building of the fortress, wouldn't you believe that there where members of the horde outside, strong ones indeed. Abomin realised that I was in danger and attacked them. But I wasn't going to show him that I was a weak and fragile little girl, so I attacked what I think was a tauren druid. In his cat-like form he did give me some bruises and wounds, but after putting a curse upon him I simply blasted his mind to tiny little bits. He died, I cheered. Abomin saw it, while fighting the blood elf warlock. He was proud.
After we got back to the refuge pointe in arathi, that was when I realised that I knew who those two men we met before where. It was Otto and Falconcrest, two wanted criminals. They’re worth a lot of money in bounty, but we must bring their heads in order to collect it. Abomin tells me that they probably are alive, so we might have a shot getting it. I’m looking forward to it!
It was a real fun birthday indeed. Yes, you didn't read wrong, I'm 38 now. Time flies when you have fun. My wisdom has increased since I have managed to make the hardest techniques I have easier. It takes a strong will and iron-hard concentration in order to make these things. I think I am closer on the path to greater strength.

The lost fortress of stromgarde in arathi highlands
I still need to stay in Arathi, though I have to sell some things. The auction houses in Ironforge and Stormwind are wonderful places. Sometimes, you can fin so many things that you simply just can't afford it. I hope I make some money out of it.
Good Bye, see you in Arathi Highalnds