Sunday, July 22, 2007

Booty Bay - I hate it, I love it

How I love Booty Bay. How I hate Booty Bay.

I love to hate it and I hate to love it. This odd mixture of almost extraordinary proportions really do have it's reasons. For once, it’s a beautiful place with many different shops and good places to fish. But also, it's a port towards Kalimdor, the dreaded homeland of the Horde. Here you can see not just Alliance, but Horde as well. This sometimes bites. Now that I established a friendly connection with most of the population with Booty Bay, I feel at ease. But still, I have this feeling crawling on my neck never to let my guard down.

Abomin, my dear friend Abomin the Draenei warrior. I thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You helped me kill a giant, you helped me kill extremely ugly monsters and you helped kill a "pretty boy" named Duncan (who, in my eyes, could be much prettier). You did this in order to help me become stronger. I appreciate that. I promise I'll train in combat and in alchemy, to make you great battle elixirs!

By the way, please congratulate me; I've turned 37 years old now. My gods, the time keep going fast forward. I actually never thought that becoming older means becoming more agile and strong, but that's what happened to me. This is a strange world we live in.

Good Bye, see you in Kalimdor!


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