I'm temporary visiting a place called The Badlands. There is a reason it is called so. It's a desert, hosting few good herbs, flowers and an incredibly few puddles of water. The only so called creatures that exists are wolfs, buzzards (who must be starving since they are always attacking me in order to have a feast upon my flesh like vultures, yuck!) and very odd panthers that I sometime have trouble seeing.
There are some humanoid creatures around, some dwarf miners. But it seems they've been corrupted of some kind, because as soon as they spot me, they attack me even though the humans and dwarfs are part of a great alliance. They weren't that hard to beat, but it broke my heart still to smash my mace upon their heads. I have the greatest respect for the proud race of the dwarfs.
In the Badlands, I managed to get a photograph of myself. Don't ask me how; it just fell into my hands. I hope you don't think that I lied when I told you that I am beautiful! Notice my robe. It is the robe of Arugal that I told of. Feels weird to wear a robe that was once owned by a man I had no respect for what so ever, but it is better that I use it, then a dead man. All though, I heard rumours that he is still alive. My gods, I hope their false. It might be odd to hear a priest saying that she hopes the death of a man, but Arugal isn’t a man, he’s a monster!
See you somewhere in Azeroth.
Good Bye
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