It is very peculiar that these pictures just fall into my hands. I don't know who, or possibly what, takes these.
But still, as long as it isn't any "odd moments" on there, I don't really mind.
Another peculiar thing is that many claim darkshore, far south of Darnassus to be very dark and depressing. But I find it very, I don't know, amazing from time to time. This picture of me, flying in the sunset on a hippogryph, is truly wonderful.
Some news in my path to greater wisdom; after getting a very powerful staff from my dear friend Abomin the dranei warrior, I sold in the auction house in darnassus, gaining over 20 gold. that is something amazing in my private economy since I usually walk around with only 40-50 silver in my purse. Since my clothes are just fine for the moment, and I couldn't find a new and improved mace for myself, I decided to spend it on herbs in the auction house. I was like a kid in a toy store. I got really happy after buying a weed called blindweed. That is a weed found in places roamed buy gigantic, strong monster. I probably wouldn't last very long there. So I bought it in the auction house, which is a lot safer. Also I bought khadgar's whiskers, grown mainly in Stranglethorn Vale. I can easily pick some up myself, but why not be a little lazy today? And also I couldn't resist also buying some sungrass.
After making an intelligence potion, I made some healing potions. Even though the first potion made me incredibly smarter, I still couldn't get an answer on the greatest question of them all; "What came first? The dragon whelp or the egg?” Maybe it is an philosophical question? Maybe if you personally say the dragon whelp, you are an positive man or woman, and if you say the egg, you are a pessimistic person. But, who laid the egg in the first place? Then it has to be the whelp, because someone had to lay the egg in the first place. But it is just a whelp, it can't be mature enough to lay eggs yet...
Enough philosophy for today.
After visiting the master alchemist in Feathermoon Stronghold I learned a new potion meant for warriors to gain god-like strength for a short amount of time. Abomin would be pleased.
See you in Feathermoon Stronghold
Good Bye
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