Sunday, July 29, 2007

Booty Bay - Horrible, horrible eyes!

Those eyes. Those horrible, horrible eyes. They where filled with hate, despair and a history of bloodshed. For the first time since my battle with Arugal, I have truly been frightened. Otto and Falconcrest are the most horrible people I've met, even more than Arugal. They are dead though, I ripped of their heads and handed them over to a woman in the refuge pointe in arathi. If they are still alive, they have a really good priest at their side!

Thank you Abomin for your help. I wouldn't have come far without you.

Al this happened today, only a matter of hours after my short break. After being so tired and weary, I've become more frightened and tired. I cannot believe the evil that exists out in the world. But I won't give up, I believe in a brighter future. But it will probably take time before it happens.

I've gone back to booty bay now. Arathi is now to boring for me. Not much to do and only a few easy monsters. The hordes are a few and stromgarde seems hopeless to gain back at the time, the same with arathi basin. I think I'll stay here in booty ba and hope to do some good here instead.

I haven't seen my other friends Linque, Jeangray or Whitestar recently. I think I have to write a letter to them asking what they are up to. I really do miss them.

Good Bye, See you in booty bay!


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