Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Stranglethorn Vale - An awakening

I took a walk today to calm my mind. When there is no horde around, stranglethorn vale can be really nice and calm. Of course, my luck isn't that good and I could see a troll priest riding on his darn raptor, heading towards me. Hi was to strong for me to handle so I ran away.

That bastard laughed at me so loud that it could have wakened the dead (not the undead). He "knew" that I was scared. But I wasn't scared, I merely ran for my life knowing he was to strong. That idiot will pay. I will show my strength, I wont let some merely thief’s like Otto and falconcrest scare me.

He will pay! I will become stronger!

Good Bye, see you, you damn troll priest, in outland!


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